From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 8943C1382C5 for ; Mon, 15 Jun 2020 19:03:38 +0000 (UTC) Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with SMTP id 61022E091D; Mon, 15 Jun 2020 16:11:26 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::72e]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id ED6CEE0ACD for ; Mon, 15 Jun 2020 16:07:28 +0000 (UTC) Received: by with SMTP id c14so16167976qka.11 for ; Mon, 15 Jun 2020 09:07:27 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=to:from:subject:openpgp:autocrypt:message-id:date:user-agent :mime-version; bh=sGJ5jVQtyG/H6fknTDxMGLlJ9kQlS66n2Tv+L/0xqpU=; b=riiIchzqQujOeWDLc3lKbwFJsBakqeZcUwPp3ID75Q2RSzRk4s/eNNtWcuEXWuBzSb U7cKpN8TwxIo/HJAV8lE4NKQKgtr/7/8G1ac5ZvAPoSW86Z0X0fuoVgsy+ZXzxO/N4r2 yUjrKrJZAHQ2JbVZMqC9lmqb1Kc/bjwfSNTVrWeNhDAiX1LsZR8QTNOpKv3mSBYyGktR INTjoE1ZTL9NgIsw6VwDeWOo77b+XW7Zt1w6ZEXX8N5Llwv3bz/2N898dtFPjzV2J0qw xL3dtkjl0NVKHu36mV/FQj5DuDftuFI4GQW7gMiS2rP7cgFC+/nnvCTNiwip9rHAFm/0 f0Mg== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=x-gm-message-state:to:from:subject:openpgp:autocrypt:message-id :date:user-agent:mime-version; bh=sGJ5jVQtyG/H6fknTDxMGLlJ9kQlS66n2Tv+L/0xqpU=; b=ABN85S83vpJvOVGtkveQxJmqGBGERXaknzLKMaP7GnUjvSvMjSWf1XLaDBqQpuXBQ2 wIOEZx8T2F20jZ7V5c43nDBH1KF1Y9Un7HRIGwO6ALmTdSE/sOsNwOO7aFOYvPxeeRZx giyqT0RJN5I4NwaflMgw8SxgxqUH4Q8vQoeMTouNrPmf63jjmF8L9RhGOfXHg2Yt6UNL jrMxsqRpIUhLDh6cV/OMOvJfWqnnGDmERiy8k72m8qmpDRsyVAMDNgJFZBJ+lmzo3aM1 IQ2cof1ZXxZlDLDGNi5VbkDwJFauPHTr4NzJGF0c7zoY3HU493WpluJQ4RN8rgFxYC2p BWtw== X-Gm-Message-State: AOAM530CaV99+89ZtpOCIobLB1ifc+3ueIbsiW/UFmLY5C+i2KkEwiof Grx0gp9aRy6LGcbiAfrvpVs= X-Google-Smtp-Source: ABdhPJycvNCsgTT4RvYjzzfe/tKvfJk9vV9Jjq8nC94knbUKrO1x4D49mzR5L9/sTNa9oe+wpm9ieQ== X-Received: by 2002:a37:85c7:: with SMTP id h190mr14912909qkd.345.1592237226982; Mon, 15 Jun 2020 09:07:06 -0700 (PDT) Received: from [] ( []) by with ESMTPSA id g4sm10613686qka.97.2020. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 bits=128/128); Mon, 15 Jun 2020 09:07:06 -0700 (PDT) To: From: Dale Subject: [gentoo-user] Testing a used hard drive to make SURE it is good. Openpgp: preference=signencrypt Autocrypt:; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= mQINBFxc7MgBEAC+zrgEdqJJiDe/UDAB+ScmferXWfJTVjbVT2T4DQ7jiLrgP9aNUo1HioNF mrU3JPOCR32gvZyTbY1+niO5+VSo/+pSqQ785h6ZDj1klMkrg6tEzGnf2MNBpBj4houZwxQ+ WDKKTg2M9F+lv8wTIdR/JQn+hSviktLMtrghQlyLhpapsLXWLA6gMFebpQYwxUwemvan8ddX lQvJe9FGyFYvBi0dp1gl10F2O+DVZJxvX8xkX+yImVlhVJiC31gXHRcj+Qlo7gprlU7TIieF Uow6/ZvYKJ26pztVdFCg5w0rMJkF/x8Zd4A6wnuptiAPmWaQ1+YKgYDonbDUgwqFSx5/lN5z DGZ4LlioxeUTTPVvZsqBIeDz6jNFA583OYbo1/S26dqrvTFf2DKlsvoDpVfAhNlwJPjoixs0 X3FNqPv+M10n4kq5Iz7Q9E3O4s/nfFIYGocEslVka7zZPkXSaHbsn+KJlY8XV6qxtCEdh0/V XX1+1aU2J74M0JikWhpwxTZ1dP5aOyWSPPEgFFIRW6xwwC02SoRH9a7mggfGYp/YjPlONNaT SCL8sgRfvmq3D0XTbLyTjSbExxkfKDmbePQagawDE3TlI/oivHf1JaAcbwMb3LZuU4TGcOIl 5D+x7q0MUIeCop0ZFOwAnqW3AVVNvsBkv2KN+IHJryWAf0/iMQARAQABtBtEYWxlIDxyZGFs ZWsxOTY3QGdtYWlsLmNvbT6JAk4EEwEIADgWIQTZ7suruPBaS60bCYXvEM/XWu+ZnAUCXFzs yAIbIwULCQgHAgYVCgkICwIEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRDvEM/XWu+ZnN+7D/4/1dNG4aCz0+v+ 0dcjV5tY1feYEWCdHKyDzxWBxlCpd/0NPRQeNY4VMjbCl/sq7GkXi/c2SbfWDQ5BQRkkExG1 pSwuXSIehGok/4fpTi3HDAguRvzdCqlKPt7me05FyiC/WnpY5GOlJ3ruGw2qABv/RmV2q5b/ tkq7h1y1f16DTNr3/nsj8HzHcrHdXdL4kaYChSOe/dbQR9Stqak7eMyR+iwvrJMNF/CGl70P 2x5ybsXMDzRVOqNcpa5ZdhEMTVh6+vC1SOmm1BFMF8XCqBEvBbcHWDQmGYTdNCsS/ADm8CBl gvjJgLdIsAzoMu4WHQDFnzXAoArqFWgAf53isOS4AWrv29tF9b8Aa1vb7h5JEa+ArcMsA6Gl X38+GY6WXXaxKI9n3PTCWu9tPGnRh7mABjnwEosDDqmzw8aTAYECb3avDuGY2rmcjgh4H6RE w08d63j1T4d5J9wlm4TGtW/VHgbUFkATEdH3Acl/EjFiyqTiX7p8kU6Reu5enIkogA93xoQh Rmy7ZiST/5LN+ZkaOdyjIw0L+5KalslN9SKt809YxgJ6kPo657LNTFPiFvFA46/SEWcBYrzq Xk0wEW0gBRWf+BqN0qRhU0/EQ+QfRdLLFg2xtUePwlheYLXxfyDLrdCCOLWYpkzbjCZHLS4u 69smbvR9S9KBDNzJybxEWrkCDQRcXOzIARAA5IGRWTqaM44IJgBYghZg2fGj0Am7KWPhE7V7 T/EEe7vVSUEFqHtlHzI4ZK6Q0AZ9uAEjE8IJIQ7KoTjzNqAtabP0vp3s0szgtJlsZ+8vGKlQ my7fvzSrdoQL0Xn7CEwJYFXJ1EMUcYIQeoHG1cUAaXx73k9BFbjwjnUeMrqlV/ZovQlg7duW nESfQ7HZu5NrtYyY3jPMUouxiO9WQPh+IHxZbt1absF2VcvRAymD32RxGvMPbw6ChMRD/p9O 4PH7M5rXaxr78NXQX9E48vrI00f1cYb9NSN1HnSV8cW3jKObVjdBk6jPQwrMvdpgdQhUB9aZ HS/9mC9mmAgiXKyCpzXe7FPB6QznSfn4GIaC/luy1e6SLUkJhRK/niB+gq+Mfxg2zXNuDUTI cMGmpDCp3kgUoorkaltk8RW09io95BkXrGhcDNuSGZfAParBc7RXyYpbIcax8St7tEAd2oFh 4seYOPUlzuhGrPpqR/91wrFc4E1260GKauSr4UhMJv6tygBwyC0mmBMKi+ZXw6ZdZxA5fg7y 35P3TILjznCXXTDgRHq9A3NknKRMcgFacX6eIhANkMFo6oJVjuEgy1dvu1wFfDq7c+i8GAHu L4pYzyXYu6PporlNNU0xSwdVgzM/uuK0lt+UxCimgC+YR3IezgDcbfudb7h9dGIwL+bbPL0A EQEAAYkCNgQYAQgAIBYhBNnuy6u48FpLrRsJhe8Qz9da75mcBQJcXOzIAhsMAAoJEO8Qz9da 75mcXZ4P/1YXgWDZek7mhzrf6uaQzMxa92P89HeWz4PlgB/32symeEFAV04WazzBZffI8AYY rGA1Xmu/2VaB9+FOODyKhUWBc2UL0NRWBk6POwboyTdKlclmpixaN9zLcBt0YLejoRfN1B/5 aQf9/lUDZMnAiCyz0FgeqEMUshldmwWC35RqnjrCbbuk2vIqSH6BLDIXU6jQrLHE1DF0ai41 wLtQFAFXPhn45n0ZwYhVs4Z32z4sjXrIvgBgCaXa4HM+L1Klne0KiNM8ReFTTpTE0SgyDOSZ O3MOa2n77i6JbVtsbiFYnNeP3J9S/l3jevGpZEtNQOKrIm1MW8jGuHWtsDeMkT/mCcSodlkt PxIo+mMK9GpGvG2hW80LiohqNfUbNwAmr3blOYY4URPXPRnEnPs4pmTmL5owjw2dkg145i9I D42Tq+XZ6YtWt3SGzGbAYow6XwTwZ5NFAzV9UQuCGrDw4KWan6O6Z+VIYWsn0UMZlu1Obxna aocofkaUCbISK26kImuD1aA8juSHC18Qv1xUage6/UakbSxyDtACqt6hOVFKX3IA59ApdNRT +2x3iCmlvF9MJsGgFq6IpqL+Fk7iWV8Kjbz0wQOId6N9+JdQh3LrLaS7a1PowUm1z9DK5/O0 Yg+gpDnEOOFI7WM5u7a7FSM2Z/LXGVwel/0eWvLk9tN6 Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2020 11:07:02 -0500 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.2 Precedence: bulk List-Post: List-Help: List-Unsubscribe: List-Subscribe: List-Id: Gentoo Linux mail X-BeenThere: Reply-to: X-Auto-Response-Suppress: DR, RN, NRN, OOF, AutoReply MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="------------3D3F5FF9FCC5319FC0F54AD6" X-Archives-Salt: 2aeeb7fc-23c8-465d-8eb3-7e38692ad38e X-Archives-Hash: 97c272e93f12e135601a95ac38b798c9 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------3D3F5FF9FCC5319FC0F54AD6 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Howdy, I finally bought a 8TB drive.  It is used but they claim only a short duration.  Still, I want to test it to be sure it is in grade A shape before putting a lot of data on it and depending on it.  I am familiar with some tools already.  I know about SMART but it is not always 100%.  It seems to catch most problems but not all.  I'm familiar with dd and writing all zeores or random to it to see if it can in fact write to all the parts of the drive but it is slow. It can take a long time to write and fill up a 8TB drive. Days maybe??  I googled and found a new tool but not sure how accurate it is since I've never used it before.  The command is badblocks.  It is installed on my system so I'm just curious as to what it will catch that others won't.  Is it fast or slow like dd? I plan to run the SMART test anyway.  It'll take several hours but I'd like to run some other test to catch errors that SMART may miss.  If there is such a tool that does that.  If you bought a used drive, what would you run other than the long version of SMART and its test?  Would you spend the time to dd the whole drive?  Would badblocks be a better tool?  Is there another better tool for this?  While I'm at it, when running dd, I have zero and random in /dev.  Where does a person obtain a one?  In other words, I can write all zeros, I can write all random but I can't write all ones since it isn't in /dev.  Does that even exist?  Can I create it myself somehow?  Can I download it or install it somehow?  I been curious about that for a good long while now.  I just never remember to ask.  When I add this 8TB drive to /home, I'll have 14TBs of space.  If I leave the 3TB drive in instead of swapping it out, I could have about 17TBs of space.  O_O  Thanks to all. Dale :-)  :-)  --------------3D3F5FF9FCC5319FC0F54AD6 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Howdy,

I finally bought a 8TB drive.  It is used but they claim only a short duration.  Still, I want to test it to be sure it is in grade A shape before putting a lot of data on it and depending on it.  I am familiar with some tools already.  I know about SMART but it is not always 100%.  It seems to catch most problems but not all.  I'm familiar with dd and writing all zeores or random to it to see if it can in fact write to all the parts of the drive but it is slow. It can take a long time to write and fill up a 8TB drive. Days maybe??  I googled and found a new tool but not sure how accurate it is since I've never used it before.  The command is badblocks.  It is installed on my system so I'm just curious as to what it will catch that others won't.  Is it fast or slow like dd?

I plan to run the SMART test anyway.  It'll take several hours but I'd like to run some other test to catch errors that SMART may miss.  If there is such a tool that does that.  If you bought a used drive, what would you run other than the long version of SMART and its test?  Would you spend the time to dd the whole drive?  Would badblocks be a better tool?  Is there another better tool for this? 

While I'm at it, when running dd, I have zero and random in /dev.  Where does a person obtain a one?  In other words, I can write all zeros, I can write all random but I can't write all ones since it isn't in /dev.  Does that even exist?  Can I create it myself somehow?  Can I download it or install it somehow?  I been curious about that for a good long while now.  I just never remember to ask. 

When I add this 8TB drive to /home, I'll have 14TBs of space.  If I leave the 3TB drive in instead of swapping it out, I could have about 17TBs of space.  O_O 

Thanks to all.


:-)  :-) 