Maybe it's just me, but I have never seen the Stage 1 as any harder
than Stage 3. The only difference was... umm... setting your CFLAGS and
USE flags. Seriously, how hard is it to type bootstrap, or emerge -e
I am not saying the move is bad, I totally understand it. I hope that
the new docs do have a "How to recompile everything" at the end
somewhere though, for those of us that like the optimization.
As far as I've seen, stage 1 is still on the mirrors. If it's really an
issue for you, why not download it and just run bootstrap and emerge?
Jason Dodson wrote:
> Such a scenario could be your your arms and legs falling off...
I suspect I'd spend more time typing if I had to use only my nose
rather than fingers so this fails the "get more work done" test. Perhaps
your nose is more dexterous than mine?
Jokes aside my definition of "getting more work done" does include
things being stable so I don't have to fix them again, not giving up
flexibility that would save me work in the future, and so forth. There
is a fine line to walk and in many case I'll err on the side of more
work during working hours to be sure of no work in my own time.
On the other hand I just took a job as employee #6 at a startup in San
Francisco which is sure to double the number of hours I work as well as
move me cross country so maybe I'm not as smart as I thought.
PS: anyone in SF need a roommate?
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