just compiled the latest unstable version but still the problem remains...any other suggestions??

On 03/12/2007, Danis Petkakis < dpetka2001@gmail.com> wrote:
well i don't have the latest version of vlc compiled as suggested from the link you gave me so i will add vlc in portage.keywords for now and then compile the latest unstable version of it...hope that should solve my problems...i will post back for results...thanks...

On 03/12/2007, Andrey Falko < ma3oxuct@gmail.com> wrote:
On Dec 2, 2007 6:16 PM, Danis Petkakis <dpetka2001@gmail.com> wrote:
hi there i have some files in .mkv and format and would like to to view them using vlc...the problem is that there is only the sound in the background...by that i mean that i can only hear for example the music that plays in the background and not the people talking in the movie...subtitles and video are all displayed correctly...i just cannot hear the people talking...when i watch the files in kaffeine and kmplayer i have no problem at all...what might be the problem with vlc?? thanks in advance...

My inclination is that it is a vlc specific bug....check this page to see if you have it compiled with the use flag listed there: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-gentoo.html

If you have it compiled with all of those use flags, then I'd email vlc at video-lan.org: http://www.videolan.org/support/lists.html