On 11/11/06, Hans de Hartog <dehartog@rootsr.com> wrote:

Due to circumstances beyond my control I have
to run (once a month) Windows (98 or 2000) :-(

I guess that vmware can do the job. In windows
I need internet access with IE and I must be
able to print some webpages to a printserver
What to use? Vmware server, workstation or
player? The descriptions are not clear about
the differences.
I'm running Linux (vanilla-sources)
on i686 Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.66GHz with
768 Mb and only stable stuff.

Thanks in advance!
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

If all you're using is IE and printing, you maybe be able to just run IE under wine.  See: ies4linux, http://www.tatanka.com.br/ .  There isn't an ebuild for it, but one isn't needed anyways.  The browser functions fine under wine (ie7 works too, but you don't get the fancy interface, just the new engine), but I don't have a printer, so have yet to test printer functionality.

- Mark Shields