On 1/27/06, Mark Shields <laebshade@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello list. I've been reading this mailing list for a while now and have taken great pleasure in reading some of these e-mails. But now the time has come for me to present a problem I hope you all can help me with. I recently reinstalled Gentoo (stage3) after my hard drive crashed in my server (it sounded like the hard drive arm was waltzing across the platters). I followed the home router guide, http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/home-router-howto.xml, as I've done before, and as before I emerged dhcp instead of using dnsmasq as my dhcp server. Ever since I reinstalled I've had a problem where I've had to disable/enable my NIC in windows and powercycle my MTA (Motorola vt1004, Vonage) to get a connection; if I attempt to traceroute from my Windows XP box it gives the error "request timed out". I thought it was something wrong with the DHCP server so I set static IPs on both the MTA and Windows box, but I woke up this morning and it is still doing it. Again, I had to disable/enable my NIC in windows and powercycle my MTA to get the connection working on both the windows box and the MTA. No cables had to be unplugged/replugged and nothing else reset.
Any suggestions?
- Mark Shields