On Tuesday, 26 March 2024 13:01:16 GMT Michael wrote: > On Tuesday, 26 March 2024 10:32:05 GMT William KENWORTHY wrote: > > I have a question about binaries and the new profile: I have a number of > > almost identical architectures that I build binaries for and share across > > the similar sytems e.g. arm, aarch64, amd64 etc. > > > > Is deleting the bin host storage (rm -rf ) enough on the > > buildhost so I can share/use the binaries for the "emerge -e" on the > > other hosts? Or does it have to be a native emerge? BillK > > I'm about to try this out in the next couple of days. I will clean binpkgs > on both host and guest, transfer the freshly compile packages with the 23.0 > profile to the guest and then emerge them there as binaries, but following > the profile migration guide, i.e. toolchain first followed by world. > Should things break I'll report back. All went according to plan. Cleared out all files in binpks on both build-host and the guest. Carried out the steps for the migration to profile 23.0 on the host, transferred binaries to the guest, migrated guest to profile 23.0 using binaries. Then merged /usr on both. All is good following this upgrade, but as always YMMV.