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    <div class="moz-cite-prefix">Dale wrote:<br>
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      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
      <div class="moz-cite-prefix">Mark Knecht wrote:<br>
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          On Sun, Oct 8, 2023 at 10:56 AM Dale &lt;<a
            href="mailto:rdalek1967@gmail.com" moz-do-not-send="true">rdalek1967@gmail.com</a>&gt;
          &gt; Howdy,<br>
          &gt; I use Konsole a lot, that thing within KDE that acts like
          a console. <br>
          &gt; Anyway, I'm running a offline file system check on a
          rather large file<br>
          &gt; system.  For some reason, Konsole decided to crash.  I
          can see the file<br>
          &gt; system is still running with top, ps etc but I can't see
          anything to<br>
          &gt; know what it is doing.  Is there a way to get that back? 
          Should I kill<br>
          &gt; it and restart now that Konsole is running again?  I'd
          think a regular<br>
          &gt; term signal would give it a safe stopping place but still
          kinda chicken<br>
          &gt; to do it.  Then again, what if it stops and needs my
          input or worse yet,<br>
          &gt; it displays a error that I can't see but I need to know
          and see? <br>
          &gt; Any thoughts?  Is there a way to get it back?  Kill it
          and restart?  Do<br>
          &gt; nothing and hope for the best? <br>
          &gt; Thanks.<br>
          &gt; Dale<br>
          &gt; :-)  :-)
          <div>I would suggest you learn screen - a very simple app that
            allows you to</div>
          <div>start an app and then disconnect from it. You can then
            log out, close</div>
          <div>your terminal, or in your case if konsole really crashed,
            you just open</div>
          <div>a new konsole and reconnect. </div>
          <div>The screen process keeps all the terminal output so you
            can review</div>
          <div>it while the process is running or after it has finished.</div>
          <div>I do not know how to reliably get access to your process
            if it's </div>
          <div>really still running. Someone else here can probably give
          <div>better instructions on that.</div>
      I was hoping I would catch a real quick response, even tho that
      wasn't very likely.  After about 45 minutes or so, I did a pkill
      on it.  I seem to recall it is about the same as a ctrl c which is
      a polite 'stop what you doing' when safely possible, in most cases
      anyway.  I then started a new screen process and restarted the
      file system check.  It's still working on it on the other
      desktop.  So, even tho I hadn't read your reply yet, I still did
      what you advised.  It's running in a screen process now.  I can
      reattach if Konsole dies again.  Good advice tho.  Should have did
      that before.  ;-) <br>
      I don't know what happened to Konsole tho.  It's crashed once
      before a month or so ago and then again a bit ago.  Before that, I
      can't recall it ever crashing on me before.  It appears someone is
      adding a feature that includes the occasional crash as a added
      bonus.  ROFL  <br>
      I'm glad I made new backups.  Before Konsole crashed, it was
      spitting out a LOT of stuff that I'm not sure is good.  It even
      mentioned possible lost data.  I got a new 18TB hard drive and was
      in the process of moving data to it and resizing the file system
      when this all started.  I can't mount right now so no idea if it
      is still there or not.  Now let us pray.  <br>
      Dale <br>
      :-)  :-)  <br>
    Just as a update.  The file system I was trying to do a file system
    check on was my large one, about 40TBs worth.  While running the
    file system check, it started using HUGE amounts of memory.  It used
    almost all my 32GBs and most of swap as well.  It couldn't finish
    due to not enough memory, it literally crashed itself.  So, I don't
    know if this is because of some huge problem or what but if this is
    expected behavior, don't try to do a file system check on devices
    that large unless you have a LOT of memory.  <br>
    I ended up recreating the LVM devices from scratch and redoing the
    encryption as well.  I have backups tho.  This all started when
    using pvmove to replace a hard drive with a larger drive.  I guess
    pvmove isn't always safe.  It took going on two days to move.  <br>
    Oh, Mark had good advice too.  Do important stuff in screen just in
    case something crashes, like Konsole.  :/  <br>
    Thanks.  Hope someone learns from my boo boo.  <br>
    Dale <br>
    :-) :-)  <br>
    P. S.  I currently have my backup system on my old Gigabyte 770T
    mobo and friends.  It is still a bit slower than copying when no
    encryption is used so I guess encryption does slow things down a
    bit.  That said, the CPU does hang around 50% most of the time. 
    htop doesn't show what is using that so it must be IO or
    encryption.  Or something kernel related that htop doesn't show.  No
    idea.  <br>