On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 6:51 PM, Nikos Chantziaras <realnc@arcor.de> wrote:
Peter Gille wrote:

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 1:02 AM, Nikos Chantziaras <realnc@arcor.de <mailto:realnc@arcor.de>> wrote:

   Peter Gille wrote:

       Hello list,

       All of the programs on my computer using qt4 segfaults on startup.

   Did you try revdep-rebuild?

Yes. The only broken binaries I have are from virtualbox, which shouldn't affect anything.
emerge @preserved-rebuild only showed quake3 as broken.
I have already re-emerged those two anyway.

Did you check if the programs in question really do depend only on Qt4?  Try the ldd tool to see the libs a binary uses. 

I do have "-qt4" in the USE flags though.  Try that and see how many packages this would rebuild (emerge -pDN world).  Yeah, this is pretty much shotgun debugging, but it might point to the culprit :P
I tried this, and compared the list to the list of packages with files in /usr/lib64/qt4/plugins/ since I had read that some people had had similar problems with files there. app-i18n/uim-1.5.4-r1 was one of the packages and when I re-emerged it with USE="-qt4" it appears that programs start again. So thank you for fixing it.

However, i use this program to input japanese characters in some of the documents I write. Is anyone aware of any other input systems which can input japanese? Or will I still be able to input japanese into qt4 programs?

/ peter