Hello list,<br><br>All of the programs on my computer using qt4 segfaults on startup. When I look in /var/log/messages I see a line like this:<br><br>Nov 9 16:15:27 duolith [1029300.702228] qttest[29812]: segfault at 100000130 ip 00007f051f392269 sp 00007fff2e3e3570 error 4 in libqt-mt.so.3.3.8[7f051edbd000+7c4000]<br> <br>which is odd, since the programs don't depend on qt3, they depend on qt4. <br>Programs using qt3, however, work as normal.<br><br>The program I used to get the above segfault looked like this:<br><br>#include <QApplication><br> <br>int main(int argc, char *argv[])<br>{<br> QApplication app(argc,argv);<br><br> return app.exec();<br>}<br><br><br>Does anyone have any idea what's going on and how to fix this?<br>I'm using qt-3.3.8b and qt-4.4.2<br>