On 8/21/06, Etaoin Shrdlu <shrdlu@unlimitedmail.org> wrote:
On Monday 21 August 2006 16:22, fei huang wrote:

> still no luck... I tried to build everything in kernel, and later
> build additional iptable_filter as module, add iptable to my default
> run level,, neither of them works..

I'd try first with iptables filters *disabled*, to make sure it's not a
firewall issue. Once it works, enable packet filtering (if you need it).
But until you are sure it works, make sure nothing prevents traffic
flow, so disable iptables filters.

mm, I  disabled it from  auto  loading.

> I found there is a warning message after emerge iptables says: ip
> forwarding is not included in iptables any more. what does it mean? is
> that related with the issue?

It means that, if you want ip forwarding, you have to enable it manually
using the command

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

To verify that forwarding is working, simply do

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

and it should print "1".
Keep in mind that if you reboot, you have to re-enable forwarding if you
want it again.

gentoo might do that trick for me, everytime I  check  that value, it shows 1.

Finally, run a network analyzer like wireshark and see for yourself
what's happening. I'd look at ARP packets first: make sure ARP is
working correctly.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

uh, that's a good idea, I'll emege wireshark and see what's happening, the most annoying thing is that there's no log for troubleshooting, I wonder why iptable never write anything to syslog?  that's wierd.

