On 6/26/06, Ezequiel Carmona <ezequielct@gmail.com> wrote:
sorry for my english.

edit /boot/grub/grub.conf

in line kernel /bzImage-2.6.15-r5 root=/dev/sda
add -ro

kernel /bzImage-2.6.15-r5 root=/dev/sda -ro

you should specify a partition with the root parameter, e.g. /dev/sda1
this partition is where your '/' locates.



2006/6/25, Catalin Trifu <catalin@isp-software.de>:

    I have just got a new machine with nForce4 chipset and 250GB SATA drive.
I am trying to compile the kernel on the machine (gentoo-sources) and it works
just fine but at boot time I get the panic in the subject and I don't get it
why. I have compiled sata_nv directly in the kernel. I'm not using any raid
or such things.
    I also installed the kernel + initrd from the 2006.0 live cd and that kernel
boots just fine.


gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Ezequiel Carmona T.
Gentoo AMD64 nForce4
GNU/Linux user #395098