On 6/5/06, Philip Webb <purslow@sympatico.ca> wrote:
I've just spent several hours trying permutations to get ADSL to connect
after updating to Baselayout-1.12.0 & Ppp-2.4.3 .
I've read /etc/conf.d/net.example & copied what seem the needed lines :
config_eth0=( " netmask broadcast" )
config_ppp0=( "ppp" )
plugins_ppp0=( "pppoe" )
pppd_ppp0=( "updetach" "noauth" "defaultroute" "usepeerdns" "persist" )
I've also made the symlink : 'cd /etc/init.d ; ln -s
net.lo net.ppp0'.
your config looks not correct, I remember there should be a line like something ( "adsl") in it, my config contains no more than three lines.
we might have different version though, just follow the gentoo guide regarding to this topic, it really make sense.
There are no boot error msgs, the "start eth0" line returns "ok"
& the "start ntpd" line also says "ok", but the connection isn't made.
The 1st "ok" comes back very quickly -- 2 - 3 seconds -- ,
whereas a successful connection normally takes 10 seconds.
I don't exactly know how that works, wrong parameters, I think.
I have no problem when I return to using Rp-pppoe-3.8
(after changing to my old version of 'net' & removing the symlink).
When I emerged Ppp-2.4.3 it gave warnings that I do not have
Before I recompile the kernel, can anyone confirm that might be the problem ?
I think you must already have chosen the PPPOE option while compile the kernel, otherwise, the previous version might not work properly either, Nevertheless, you may check option within that warning in your kernel config file to make sure.
There's nothing useful on the Forum & I've exhausted my own thoughts:
does anyone have any other useful suggestions ?
SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb : purslow@chass.utoronto.ca
ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT `-O----------O---' University of Toronto
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