On 8/8/21 5:12 AM, William Kenworthy wrote:
Hi, I am trying to install the ssspsk python module using pip for python
2 (for tuya-convert) but its not working.
I have installed python 2.7 from portage and followed the wiki (set
python_targets, emerge -NuDv etc.), however pip seems to only know how
to install for python3.
For python 2.7 do I need to go completely manual for installation?
Gentoo's dev-lang/python package configures Python --without-ensurepip,
meaning that pip will not be installed alongside this package by
default. There is a separate dev-python/pip package providing pip, but
it appears this package only supports Python 3 targets (which is
reasonable as 2.7 is no longer supported upstream).
If you *really* need Python 2.7, you could modify the ebuild of
dev-lang/python-2.7 to enable --with-ensurepip, or you could try to make
the dev-python/pip package support the python2_7 target, or you could
download the source from python.org and configure/build it yourself into
a separate directory.
However, it is probably worth first checking if there is a release of
the software you want to use that supports Python 3 instead.