+1 for Lineage here. I didn't recommend it to the OP because for a first-time Android user, this might be jumping straight into the deep end of the pool.
Nigthly build for supported devices are fairly safe (from my experience).
But yes: you should account for a day working in OS installation
and tuning. That is far away from the ready to use phone you
bought and that only needs the sim card to fit in.
Also, depending on the circumstances, installing Lineage might void your warranty. If going that route, then a used, warranty-less phone from FleaBay might be a good option.
Furthermore devices from "SALES" are easier to find whitin the supported list. The port of a new device can be painful.
I checked also in amazon wharehouse offerts
Maybe Magisk is not suitable for a firt-time Android user as it can be mind mangling, but in the end it leds those apps to run smoothly.Also, rooting a phone to install a different OS version can stop some apps from working, particularly any financial ones.