Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
Am Thu, Sep 12, 2024 at 07:54:25AM -0500 schrieb Dale:

I use Dolphin a lot.  I like it and all but recently, it started doing
something that annoys me.  When I'm doing something, I tend to open a
instance of Dolphin for whatever it is I'm doing.  I also leave
instances open and ready for when I do routine things.  Some things I do
so often, I leave them open all the time.  Usually that is four
instances.  If needed, for example when I'm getting videos off trail
cameras, I open another instance until I'm done with that task.  So, I
use Dolphin for different things on different desktops with tabs in
different places.  It just makes things easier, faster and works best
for me. 

What I don't like is this, when I open a new instance, it tries to copy
the last instance I used that is still open.  When I open a new
instance, I want it to open where I want but not be affected by other
instances that are running.  Just as a example.  Yesterday I was trying
to copy videos from my trail cameras to a USB stick while also copying
and organizing them on my hard drive.  When I put in a USB stick or the
card from the camera, I click the notification thing and tell it to open
the USB stick or the card.  Thing is, it tries to copy the instance,
usually the one I use to watch TV from, which has a lot of open tabs.  I
have to close all the tabs I don't want to get things like it should be
to begin with. 
Dolphin settings, very first page, very first setting: set it to open a 
fixed location at startup. Then it will not restore any previous internal 

-- Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’ Abolish Christmas, Joseph confessed everything!

I saw that setting.  First place I looked.  Thing is, since I didn't want it to always start at the same place, I thought that wouldn't work.  I thought that no matter what I clicked, it would open at that place.  Given you said that would work, I tried it.  I set it to /, or root, but if I click on a folder on the desktop, sure enough, it starts and opens the folder I clicked on.  Did that a few times just to be sure.  LOL  I also plugged in a USB stick, mounted it and then told the notification thingy to open in File Manager.  Yep, it opened right where it should.  I was looking for a instance setting or something since it kept copying other running instances and their tabs.  I wouldn't have ever thought to try that setting.

They might want to explain that setting a little bit.  While I saw it, I certainly didn't expect it to behave this way.  I expected it to open at that location no matter how Dolphin was started. 

I'll play with this a few days but so far, looks like a good solution. 

Thanks much.  I can stop pulling my hair out now. 


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  Planning to try that checksum script soon.  It's a large number of files so it will take a long time to run.  I think you mentioned that if stopped, it will resume where it left off.  Oh, I did use rsync and checksum option on backups the other day.  I couldn't check all the files tho.  I just checked the ones recently accessed.  It found four out of the few hundred I checked.  I restored them after some testing.