When I try to run emerge on my system I get:

 * Your boot partition was not mounted at /boot, so it will be automounted for you.
 * Files will be installed there for grub to function correctly.
Running pre-merge checks for dev-db/mysql-5.6.26
Running pre-merge checks for net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.9-r200
Running pre-merge checks for mail-client/thunderbird-38.2.0
The directory specified in your PORTAGE_TMPDIR variable, '/var/tmp/notmpfs',
does not exist.  Please create this directory or correct your PORTAGE_TMPDIR setting.

my fstab:
proc 			/proc 		proc 		defaults 	0 0
shm 			/dev/shm  	tmpfs 		defaults,nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0
tmpfs 		/var/tmp/portage 	tmpfs	 	defaults      0 0

ll /var/tmp/
total 0
drwxrwxrwt 4 portage portage 80 Sep  4 23:04 portage

Do I need to create dir: /var/tmp/notmpfs ?
My other systems did not show any such message.

Are you trying to have portage's work directory on tmpfs?  If so, I have this in fstab:
tmpfs                   /var/tmp/portage tmpfs          noatime	  	0 0
I don't have anything in fstab for PORTAGE_TMPDIR tho.  According to this, you do need to create the directory if you are making exceptions.

root #mkdir /var/tmp/notmpfs
root #chown portage:portage /var/tmp/notmpfs
root #chmod 775 /var/tmp/notmpfs

Hope that helps.


:-)  :-)