On 11/8/05, Michael Shaw <mshaw@dowco.com> wrote:
What editor do people use for PHP and Perl development.  I'm looking for
something with syntax highlighting and such, so that rules ut vi or gedit.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Eclipse is the ultimate IDE from my perspective. I am running 3.1 with Pydev[1], Colorer[2], Web Standards Tools[3], C++[4], EPIC (Perl)[5], and PHPEclipse[6] which lets me do just about everything. The only thing with Eclipse (and it may just be me) is that there seems to be a bit of learning involved to figure out what it means by perspectives and natures and such, after that its the best IDE I have ever used.

[1] http://pydev.sourceforge.net/
[2] http://colorer.sourceforge.net/
[3] http://eclipse.org/webtools/wst/main.xml
[4] http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/
[5] http://e-p-i-c.sourceforge.net/
[6] http://www.phpeclipse.de/tiki-view_articles.php


Michael E. Crute
Software Developer
SoftGroup Development Corporation

Linux takes junk and turns it into something useful.
Windows takes something useful and turns it into junk.