On 9/28/05, Holly Bostick <motub@planet.nl> wrote:
I suppose if you really felt that you wanted to have an emerge of the
new packages done automatically, you could always create a script to run
esync and mail you the output, then run emerge -uD world after esync
completed successfully (doesn't seem much point in using --newuse if
you're not going to be there to look at the output), but I prefer to do
my emerges manually.
I'm not really sure automating your updates like that is a really good idea especially in light of a few new package layouts that break things. Wouldn't that just bite, wake up and, oops the system's broken and I have no idea why.
Michael E. Crute
Software Developer
SoftGroup Development Corporation
Linux, because reboots are for installing hardware.
"In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?"