On 9/2/05, John Dangler <jdangler@atlantic.net> wrote:
how can I setup my laptop to connect to apps like phpmyadmin on the local
both are running gentoo 2.6.12-r9 .
vfs is setup and running, but when I try to connect from the laptop to the
fileserver on other apps like
phpmyadmin, I get "The connection was refused when attempting to contact"
I'm using in the browser, so it would appear
as though the message is saying it's trying to connect to 'localhost'.

I can't verify this at the moment as I'm not within reach of my network but I do believe that you have a misconfiguration in either MyAdmin or MySQL. Check your my.cnf first and make sure that the line skip-networking is commented out.
BTW... By localhost it is most likely the server referring to itself not your computer trying to connect back to itself.
Michael E. Crute
Software Developer
SoftGroup Development Corporation

Linux, because reboots are for installing hardware.
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