Everything you install on Gentoo is generally done with an ebuild
because that lets portage track the dependencies and also keeps track
of the versions so they are easily upgraded in the future. This is the
best way to do things for most software. With something like
Communigate however, you aren't going to benefit much by writing an
ebuild since its not gonna be in portage and your not compiling
anything anyhow. I would however suggest that if Communigate has any
dependencies that you emerge them through Portage rather than build
them by hand so they can be easily (automatically) updated when you do
an emerge -u world.
I'm setting up a home webserver on Gentoo Linux and was wondering about
the above question. I've read on here many places about people writing
their own ebuilds to install software. One of the pieces of software I
run is Communigate Email, which is commercial software and gets
installed by a script, not by compiling source code. Is this a problem
for Gentoo? Or is this particular software outside the knowledge of
Portage, and as such, not checked for dependencies and such? Thanks for
any help you can give me.
On a totally unrelated question, when I use Firefox in Xfce, I can't us
Ctrl+F4 to close a tab. Does anyone know how I can avoid that? Thanks.
Mike Swanson
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list