Why dont we just change it so that unsubscribe in the subject line
unsubscribes you (like every other mailing list on the internet)?
On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 12:18:02PM +0000, Gyuri wrote:
> Bayrouni wrote:
> >Hello all,
> >How to unsuscribe from this list?
> >
> >Thank you
> >Bayrouni
> It is written on the gentoo website. Gentoo.org -> Lists
Actually, as was posted before, the gentoo.org way is incorrect. It
specifies <list-name>-unsubscribe instead of <list-name>+unsubscribe
I am filing a bug now.
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
For your information, I'm staying like this, and everyone else can just get
used to it! If people don't like me the way I am, well TOUGH BEANS! It's a free
country! I don't need anyone's permission to be the way I want! This is how I
am - Take it or leave it! -- Calvin
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