Personally I like mplayer just make sure you compile in the support for mpeg and dvd. Here are my use flags for mplayer: (and it plays pretty much everything I have) "3dfx 3dnow X aalib alsa arts avi dga divx4linux dts dvb dvd dvdread encode esd gif gtk ipv6 jack jpeg mad mmx mpeg mythtv nls nvidia oggvorbis opengl oss png real samba sdl sse sse2 truetype v4l v4l2 xmms xv xvid" -Mike On 8/7/05, sunmoon1997 wrote: > > Nick Rout wrote: > > >On Sat, 2005-08-06 at 23:44 +0000, Ian K wrote: > > > > > >>Hi guys, > >>[disclaimer] I have a question, that could _potentially_ start a minor > >>flame war. [/disclaimer] > >>I personally, really like how Windows Media Player works. It is bloated, > >>yes, but I like how it > >>can play so much. It has radio, nice visuals, dvd, etc support. Much > >>like Xine. Im just wondering, > >>for a KDE user like me, what else is out there? I know of amaroK and > >>mplayer, but know little > >>about them. I would really like radio, and nice video playback. But > >>also, it needs to have > >>keybindings. I have a new keyboard with all the nice stuff, > >>play/pause,stop,next,etc. I want to > >>use it! :) What else is there? Even a frontend to xine would be nice. > >>Thanks! > >>Ian > >> > >> > > > >if you like xine, use it! there is nothing in kde that stops you using > >xine. > > > >or if you want a different front end to the same thing, try kaffeine. > > > > > > > You can try kaffeine. It's a KDE xine frontend. I think it's the best > frontend of xine. > > regards > Sunmoon1997 > -- > mailing list > > -- ________________________________ Michael E. Crute Software Developer SoftGroup Development Corporation "In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?"