Hmm... for some reason when I emerged PHP 5 it built all the extensions into the core and now its running very slow (4 ms for most pages as opposed to .007 ms for the same page under PHP 4) my use flags are... dev-db/php apache2 mysql xml xml2 msession gd bcmath bzip2 calendar curl ftp iconv odbc ldap snmp imap memlimit mhash mysqli posix simplexml sharedmem soap sockets threads tidy wddx xmlrpc xsl exif cpdflib mime session Am I missing something? -Mike On 8/2/05, A. Khattri wrote: > > On Tue, 2 Aug 2005, Michael Crute wrote: > > > Is there a way to build the php 5 extensions (I.E. GD, mysql, etc) as > > external libraries instead of compiling it all into the core? I assume > this > > is the sharedext flag but I want to make sure before I go try it and > muck > > things up. > > Most of the extensions are external libraries though there are one or two > USE flags to explicitly configure it (such as "gd-external" etc). > > > -- > > -- > mailing list > > -- ________________________________ Michael E. Crute Software Developer SoftGroup Development Corporation "In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?"