On 05/10/14 05:34, meino.cramer@gmx.de wrote: > Hi, > > for starting and running a script on a headless system for me "nohup" > works perfectly. > For interactive session via ssh screen/tmux turned out to be the > solution to detach from jobs started from the commandline. > Both are hints/help I received from the community here. :) > Thank you very much !!! :))) > > Since the screen/tmux thingie is THAT convenient I would like to start > this as the default when logging in via ssh. > I could write a script which is started by the shell (zsh) which in > turn is started as part of the login process. > Screen would start another shell and TADA!... > But this is an embedded system... > > The result should be a running screen session right after login via > ssh. > > Is there any "shorter path" to what I am trying to do -- without the > cascade of shells which do nothing but waiting of the child process to > end? > > Thank you very much in advance for any help! Have a nice Sunday! > > Best regards, > mcc > > you can auto-start a program of your choice directly from an ssh command. for example: $ ssh -t myhost screen -R -d will connect over ssh and then run screen to auto detach then reattach a running a screen or start a new one if not. you can of course name your screens so you can connect to mycompilewindow or mycleverideasvimwindow alternatively, and if you tend to use a mobile device for ssh you can but something like in your .bashrc if [ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] || [ -n "$SSH_TTY" ]; then screen -R -d fi which would check to see if ssh variables are set by openssh i.e. it is an ssh session and then run screen for you hth