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Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:23:19 -0400
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On 09/09/2014 11:20 AM, James wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm rather new to hacking ebuilds. I have read most every doc
> I can find on the subject. One thing I'm looking for is a post-build
> document that shows me the path/name of everything built.
> So for mesos-0.20.0 it seems to be:
> /var/db/pkg/sys-cluster/mesos-0.20.0/CONTENTS
> For some other packages, they seems to be quit a lot under
> /var/tmp/portage/
> Some of the information I'm looking for is in
> /var/log/elog/
> Other places to look? Mesos generates a lot of *.html file that
> I'm speculating are general purpose setup interfaces for configuring
> and controlling the various code components. It this typical of
> Apache codes?
> I feel like I'm missing the 'big picture' on where one
> looks to find all these files that some packages generate.
> On new software, I guess I have  to look at them all to 
> figure out a runtime environment setup? I feel linke I'm on
> Safari (an actual dangerous animal hunting trip) but there
> has been no briefing. I feel hung_over, naked and without
> compass. I feel like I need a bottle of whisky to just
> start "winging it"......
> Understand what I'm doing: I have stable tree ebuilds,
> Overlays of various quality and then there are my
> ebuilds (ugly hacks) in /usr/local/portage that I'm trying
> to get my arms around with a weak comprehension of what to 
> expect.
> I also have read about Blueness efforts:  
> "RFC: GLEP 64: Standardize contents of VDB" on the dev list
> and that just leaves me scratching (more than my head).
> Some discussion, suggested reading, and guidance would be welcome
> as the structure(s) seem a wee bit "loose" if not inconsistent, to me......
> How much does EAPI-<number> affect what a package build does? Where do I
> have I go before compiling code (typically) in the unpacked sourcecode
> to see/determine what is going to get build and where it will install,
> as this is not strictly controlled by the ebuilds...... How much is 
> controlled by the package codes and how much by setting in the Gentoo
> build settings?
> Most of the docs I've read, would make sense, if I knew what I was
> specifically suppose to do. Learning the semantics of all of this
> "echo_system" does not seem straightforward. The individual codes
> are not the problem, as I can read and discern most codes. It's the
> WISDOM of what goes WHERE and WHY that seems; fleeting to me.
> lost & curious,
> James
To see what all is getting installed, I'd download a separate mesos
tarball and run:

    ./configure --prefix=/home/alec/mesos-root && make && make install

As for the EAPI, I'm also new to ebuilds but from my understanding you
should just use the current level, which is 5.

As for the structure of the ebuilds, I found it to be reasonable. For
recommended reading, I read other ebuilds; reasonably complex ones like
dev-lang/R or sci-mathematics/octave showcase plenty of the features of

Lastly, if you throw this in a publicly-accessible git repo I'll try and
help, even though I took a look at mesos and it seems like it'll be hard
because they bundle libraries with it and have made a couple other
(imnho) bad decisions.


P.S. I'd recommend doing ebuild testing in a chroot (if you're not
already) as well to avoid destroying your system, but that's just me