On 07/14/2014 05:18 PM, Gmail wrote:
> Hi, i've upgraded kernel from 3.12.13 to 3.12.20.
> I've make a oldconfig as usual, but with new kernel the boot blocks at
> the begining to the ramdisk loading.
> I've tried with other 3.12.2x with the same negative results.
> I use grub2 with systemd.
Is your '/usr' partition housed on a filesystem of its own, or does it
reside on the '/' partition?

"For systems where all necessary files and tools reside on the same file
system, the |init| application can perfectly control the further boot
process. But when multiple file systems are defined (or more exotic
installations are done), this might become a bit more tricky:

  * When the /usr partition is on a separate file system, tools and
    drivers that have files stored within /usr cannot be used unless
    /usr is available. If those tools are needed to make /usr available,
    then we cannot boot up the system.

  * If the root file system is encrypted, then the Linux kernel will not
    be able to find the |init| application, resulting in an unbootable

The solution for this problem has since long been to use an /initrd/
(initial root device)."

Did you run a diff on your 3.12.13/.config and 3.12.13/.config, to make
sure you didn't overlook anything to do with the systemd-related config