Joe User wrote:
> On 19.04.2014 21:33, Dale
> > Matti Nykyri wrote:
> >> On Apr 19, 2014, at 18:29, Dale
> >> <>> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Mick wrote:
> >>>> Encryption still works, at least for some
attackers. The fact
> >>>> that burglars can pick locks
> >>> doesn't mean that you should leave your door
unlocked. FWIW I
> >>> just checked my bank's website encryption ...
they *still* use
> >>> RC4!!! O_O I guess they are keen to make sure
all these
> >>> customers with WinXP and MSIE 7.0 can still
login? For crying
> >>> out loud! It seems that RSA's days may be
numbered and elliptic
> >>> curve cryptography would be the way forward, not
because of
> >>> resource constrained mobile devices, but also
because of recent
> >>> advances in crypto-analytics which may make RSA
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> How does one find out what their bank uses? I'd like to
check on
> >>> what mine uses. I have Seamonkey and Firefox
installed here IF
> >>> it matters.
> >>
> >> Well you can use
<>. I use it for
> >> debuging. Here is what Bank of America uses:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> -Matti
> > I get this.
> >
> > I don't know a lot about this encryption stuff but mine
don't look
> > to good. :/ You got your test graded and mine seems to
be bad
> > enough to not even deserve a grading.
> > Dale
> > :-) :-)
> You have to use the https-URLs like this one:
> Very secure your banks customer-login ;)
> Time to move to a safer bank...
Well, I have had doubts about their security for a while now since I
think they run windoze anyway. This sort of confirms it. They
changed from Visa for their debit card to Discover about a year
ago. I'm get pretty fed up with going places and them NOT take my
card and me being stuck in awkward situations. Then finding out
that their security is just barely half what it should be, yep, time
to find a new bank. I been putting this off for a while now. As
some know, my brother had cancer and I been busy dealing with that.
We lost him about a month ago so I'm trying to play catch up. He
beat the cancer but we think he took to much meds by mistake and it
was to late by the time he realized it. Changing banks is on my
todo list and may have just took a higher priority. It just went
from not worth much to not worth spit. ;-)
At least now I know how to check any potential new banks that I am
interested in too. Thanks for sharing that howto info.
:-) :-)
I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you
understood or how you interpreted my words!