Mick wrote:
> On Saturday 22 Mar 2014
00:28:04 Dale wrote:
>> Alan McKinnon wrote:
>>> Judging by replies so far, I'd guess not many at all.
You can't
>>> possibly know how many will or will not plonk
someone. In the meantime
>>> Dale, I think you are projecting. Chill out brother,
chill out. Plenty
>>> stuff in the world more deserving of attention than
>> I fixed it now. No more problems.
>> Dale
>> :-) :-)
> Some of us read all, but reply only where we think we can add
value and when
> time allows.
> There is no need really on this list for verbal abuse,
especially when a
> contributor has offered well considered advice and carefully
> opinion.
> Nevertheless, I also find personally addressed emails
annoying, but it can be
> fixed by setting up a filter on most mail clients to drop
them in the
> corresponding M/L. This may be a more civil way than
alienating people who
> want to join this community. I'm just saying ...
If a person sends html messages to this list, there is quite a few
that will block because they can't read them. Same as with quite a
few other things that is not liked on this list. Folks don't like
html and don't like getting two copies of the same message. My
point was and still is, if he doesn't want to conform to what this
list expects, he will be blacklisted by people on this list.
Period. It's nothing personal about it since I would inform anyone
else of the same thing. It's really that simple.
I still remember when I first joined this list. I was told the same
thing about my email program sending html. If I had not conformed
to the requests of people on this mailing list, I would have been
blacklisted by a large group of people and was told that I would by
some of the very ones that would do it. When joining a community,
you conform to what is expected. You don't join and then force
everyone else to conform to what you want. All Tom had to do is not
CC everyone. Real simple. No harder than me telling my software to
send text only message to gentoo.org.
It seemed to me that Tom refused the request of quite a few people
even after several asked him to change. Based on that, I
blacklisted him. That is something I rarely do but hey, it is what
it is. I fixed his problem for him. I suspect others have done the
BTW, I have yet to see him add much of anything to any discussion.
I've seen his posts on -dev as well. I won't now but still. ;-)
:-) :-)
I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you
understood or how you interpreted my words!