Am 22.02.2014 16:56, schrieb Poison BL.: > On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Mick wrote: > > Last I did much research on it, the only semi-working implementation of OSX > in a VM required VMware Workstation as the host, involved booting a hacked > together boot cd image, and crashed and burned hard on updates. It was > interesting, but not very viable for anything that's of any measurable > importance at all. I tested it out for a couple days to compile a little > pice of code a mac user friend wanted to play with... it was dog slow on my > system otherwise (but that was likely my system's fault, old E8400 @4GB ram > at the time + Win7) > I too failed miserably trying to run Hackintosh on a Gentoo Host (with Virtualbox). It's hard to get it to run at all, and when it runs, it's very slow an unstable. The only supported way to run OSX in a VM is with an OSX Host and VMware Fusion. I tried that too on my MacPro, it runs good, but it's not very smooth because you have no hardware acceleration (graphics) inside the VM. OSX is just not made to run in an virtualized environment.