Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Oct 2013 04:04:21
-0500, Dale wrote:
>> Want to hear something equally funny? I started the UPS
service that
>> started this whole mess to see if it works. This is from
>> So, new mobo and $120 later, same freakin error. All
this, still in the
>> same hole. Now ain't that something? < Dale is going
to the shop and
>> getting his mini sledge >
> Did you consider the possibility that the fault lies within
the UPS?
Yep. The UPS costs even more than the mobo tho. ;-) Still sucks
tho. As it was, I don't have anything to test the UPS with. I had
to replace something.
Oh well. Live and learn.
:-) :-)
I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you
understood or how you interpreted my words!