Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 10:54:05PM -0500, Dale wrote:
>> William Kenworthy wrote:
>>> On 21/10/13 11:09, Dale wrote:
>>>> I rebooted and the newest sysrescue still wouldn't boot up.  It says it
>>>> can't find /sysrcd.dat which I think is caused because it can't use the
>>>> USB port that the sysrescue stick is plugged into.
> That is from the kernel which you already loaded from USB. It just can't
> find the root filesystem which can have different causes (not necessarily
> hardware). I have the same problem nowadays with my Gentoo-based USB linux
> that I built for myself.

From testing, it turned out to be a BIOS setting and some things that isn't supported in 64 bit Linux.  Basically, you have to hack your way into getting something to work.  If I could pass the right option to the kernel on sysrescue then it would likely work.  As it is, without that option, it is failing because the hardware is not supported.  Again, that is based on what I did and what resolved the issue.  I plan to test that sysrescue option soon because something could happen that I need that to work.

>> Well, I have enabled everything I could find from the Knoppix test and
>> it still does not work.  I'm likely going to just try to config a kernel
>> from scratch later on.  That or go back to the one from my old mobo and
>> just change the chipset.  See if that works.
> I don't remember having read at all what kind of board(s) you have.
> Brand? Type?

It's a Gigabyte 970A-UD3P and it seems to be a known issue as well.   Note the 970A-UD3 is the same mobo.  The P stands for extra copper to dissipate heat better.

Also for everyone else, I just looked, it appears the BIOS version on the website is the version currently on the mobo.  So, no upgrade available it seems.  It's looking like I either live with a hack job or swap for something else.


:-)  :-)

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how you interpreted my words!