Mick wrote:
> On Sunday 13 Oct 2013 22:49:41 Dale wrote:
>> I don't overclock so I'm not worried about that.  I did it once with a
>> old Abit mobo with a AMD 2500+ CPU but it just didn't make much difference.
> O/C = higher costs.  You need higher frequency memory, bigger CPU/case coolers
> and potentially a bigger PSU.  If your budget is constrained then buy
> memory/cooler/PSU that will run with default settings.  The 10% performance
> improvement that a modern CPU may give you when O/C is not really worth the
> hassle.

I got plenty of all that for sure.  My P/S is much to large.  The CPU cooler is plain huge for the CPU I got.  I don't know what the memory could do but I just run it at stock speeds.

When I build a rig, I try to buiild it like a tank.  The military type tank. I try to build to last at least 7 or 8 years maybe 9.  I'm sort of disappointed if this mobo is going out already.  It's way to early for my liking.  I think it is only like 3 years old.  My old Abit was about 8 years old and it was working fine, just slowly.  ;-)


:-)  :-)

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how you interpreted my words!