FPS in Half-Life is net_graph 3 or cl_showfps 1. Some people say cl_showfps one is a bit inconsistent, but I find it to be accurate enough. the CL command may require sv_cheats to be set to 1. Linux tends to run games a bit worse so if you need HL optimization, just email me :)
On 8/20/05, Volker Armin Hemmann <volker.armin.hemmann@tu-clausthal.de > wrote:
> On Sunday 21 August 2005 00:28, Mark Knecht wrote:
> > On 8/20/05, Roman v. Gemmeren <Strowi@hasnoname.de> wrote:
> > > It's better to use sth like ut2004-demo.
> >
> > OK, ut2004-demo runs on the NVidia MX4000 but the sound is very messed
> > up using my RME card, but at least it runs. After Googling for a
> > minute or two I found that
> >
> > ~
> > stat fps
> > ~
> >
> > gives me FPS count on screen. If I choose something like the the
> > DeathMatch option and then spectate I run anywhere for about 50FPS up
> > to about 80FPS.
> >
> > CPU is maxed out at 99.9% according to top. (I ssh'ed in.) It's an
> > Athlon XP 1600+ with 768MB in the machine.
> >
> > Half Life seems to run pretty well under Cedega now. I don't know how
> > to get FPS from it.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Mark
> have you tried replacing the sdl-lib and the openal binary with ones from your
> system? Solved some problems for me ;)
I haven't but I'm not sure it's worth the effort in my case. I'm not a
gamer. I bought a subscription to Cedega last Christmas when I built a
machine for my son but I had never used it myself. My kid started
complaining that his games weren't working correctly so I Was digging
in to see what I could do with it but none of my adapters had 3D
working as it wasn't important to me. (I do recording studio stuff -
Ardour, soft synths, and Wine to run a few Windows audio apps, etc.)
Anyway, with this $49 NVidia card I can now run Half Life pretty
nicely. Point2Play has an FPS counter. In HL I'm getting a pretty
consistent 72FPS. That's more than enough for my needs. Anything more
is likely to get broken as I forget what I've done!
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