That sounds right. I just wasn't sure how to best put it into technical terms.2013/9/22 Alexander Kapshuk <>I'm guessing the wavy line that you describe is 'tearing' that appears when the display is not synced to the framebuffer, i.e. "vsync". I believe some of the graphics drivers are not even capable of vsync currently in X11, but I'm not certain.
Having the "Use smooth scrolling" option unchecked in both Firefox andOn 09/21/2013 06:32 PM, Al wrote:
> Bruce Hill wrote:
>> I have "Use smooth scrolling" checked and no such wavy line anywhere.
> Hmmm....
> I just tried Firefox, and get the wavy line when "Use smooth scolling
> is checked (scrolling with the mouse wheel). It goes away when unchecked.
> Did the same in Thunderbird, and I don't see the wavy line, no matter
> what the setting.
> Al
Thunderbird seems to have fixed the 'wavy line' problem for me.