Mick wrote:
> On Sunday 08 Sep 2013 19:51:25
Benjamin Block wrote:
>> Hej folks,
>> I wonder what is a good way to create an image of a
gentoo-system, so
>> that one can apply it later to the same or other
>> In my case it is a rather simple setup: one partition, no
encryption or
>> lvm. Its a debug-setup, so its only used for certain
>> and not for daily work, so no need for something fancy.
The time I setup
>> that system I also used only conservative
compilation-flags and
>> optimisation, so that it can be used on other CPUs (well,
they have to
>> be x86_64 and have to have mmx/sse[23] - but I think
every setup that I
>> intend to use this on will have these properties).
>> So I reckon that one could just use tar with
permission-preservation and
>> some excludes like dev/sys/proc/tmp. But is this a good
idea or is there
>> a better way to do this? I never cloned a gentoo-system,
so thats why I
>> would like to be at least somewhat sure about it, so that
I don't have
>> to reconfigure it later again, because I messed it up :D
>> best regards,
>> - Ben
> You're referring to a 'stage 4' iso. Have a look at this M/L
perhaps 5 years
> back when I recall someone posting a thread about it.
> There may also be a thread in the forums and potentially the
(old) wiki.
One of those should help. If not, Google for "Gentoo starge4"
without the quotes of course.
:-) :-)
I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you
understood or how you interpreted my words!