When setting up the X server and the  proprietary ndivia driver, as described here (https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/NVidia/nvidia-drivers), I emerged nvidia-settings, as suggested in the wiki article, The drivers can be installed with the gtk USE flag set in /etc/portage/make.conf. This will install media-video/nvidia-settings, a handy graphical tool for monitoring and configuring several aspects of your nVidia card.

The version of the nvidia driver and nvidia settings I emerged is:
box0=; equery list '*'|grep nvidia-driver

I then emerged xfce4 as well as the xfce4-sensors-plugin (box0=; equery list '*'|grep xfce4-sensors-plugin
xfce-extra/xfce4-sensors-plugin-1.2.5), which pulled in nvidia-settings of an older version:
box0=; equery list '*'|grep nvidia-settings

I had a look at the xfce4-sensors-plugin ebuild, and found nvidia-settings listed as a dependency, with no version specified.

    hddtemp? ( app-admin/hddtemp net-analyzer/gnu-netcat )
    libnotify? ( >=x11-libs/libnotify-0.7 )
    lm_sensors? ( >=sys-apps/lm_sensors-3.1.0 )
    video_cards_nvidia? ( media-video/nvidia-settings )"

I now seem to have both versions of nvidia-settings installed.

How do I fix that please?


Alexander Kapshuk.