On Friday, April 24, 2015 03:38:53 PM james wrote: > J. Roeleveld antarean.org> writes: > > This is one of the reasons why I have given up on genkernel and dracut for > > initramfs creation and now simply build my own and have it integrated > > into the kernel: > > $ zcat /proc/config.gz | grep INITRAMFS_SOURCE > > CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE="/usr/src/initramfs/config" > > > > If you're interested I will send you the required files. > > > > Joost > > I'd be curious to look at exactly how you are doing this, > if you want to post them somewhere, or send me a copy too, > It would be appreciated. The final solution was quite simple. Attached the "init" file and the "config" file. Both of these live in " /usr/src/initramfs " on my laptop. I have 2 drives in my laptop which are both encrypted. The actual encryption key is in a file called 'key.iso'. You can remove those references if you want. For completeness, the commands to create the 'key.iso' are in "create_key" And the commands to encrypt a drive/partition/... using that key.iso are in "encrypt_partition" Something neither genkernel or drucat support is to enter an encryption key once and use that to decrypt all the drives. This is why I looked into doing my own. The part that occasionally needs to be updated is the list of dynamic libraries needed for the applications embedded in the initramfs. The command I use to build that list is in the "config" file. If you have any questions let me know. -- Joost