On 01/20/2013 08:04 PM, Douglas J Hunley wrote: > I'm completely stuck on getting Grub2 to work with the EFI on a new > macbook pro. I have grub2 emerged w/o issue, and efibootmg as well. > I've looked at both the Grub2 wiki and the Macbook wiki and the > various directions are just /not/ clicking for me. Anyone have any > clue how to actually get the EFI on macbook to boot Grub from > /dev/sda1? Have you made your EFI image with grub-mkimage? Once that's done tar up your GRUB directory and extract it to /efi/grub in Mac OS. I have rEFIt installed as well so I can select EFI GRUB among other boot options (like legacy BIOS emulation mode and Mac OS). blee@supra /mnt/macos/efi $ ls grub rEFIt License.rtf rEFIt ReadMe.rtf refit tools blee@supra /mnt/macos/efi $ ls grub/grub.efi grub/grub.cfg grub/grub.cfg grub/grub.efi -- Benjamin Lee http://www.b1c1l1.com/