-------- Original Message --------
Richard Yao wrote:
Dear Everyone,
It is no secret that many of us are unhappy with the direction that udev
has taken under the leadership of the systemd developers. That includes
Linus Torvalds, who is 'leery of the fact that the udev maintenance
seems to have gone into some "crazy mode" where they have made changes
that were known to be problematic, and are pure and utter stupidity.'
After speaking with several other Gentoo developers that share Linus'
concerns, I have decided to form a team to fork udev. Our plan is to
eliminate the separate /usr requirement from our fork, among other
things. We will announce the project later this week.
I understand that the council is scheduled to vote on a topic related to
udev stabilization. Would it be possible to delay the vote for another
month so that we have time to get organized?
Yours truly,
Richard Yao
Well, it appears we have someone willing to fork udev. Yeppie !! Me, I'm looking forward to seeing how this works and giving it a test run when it gets ready. Since it is a fork, shouldn't be to long, I hope.
I wonder what they will name it tho.
:-) :-)
I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how you interpreted my words!