Francisco Ares wrote:
> Thanks for your reply, Dale.
> Yes, everything works as expected when using the old
> I decided to re-emerge some base libraries, and nothing
worked, until
> I remembered to re-emerge udev. After the build, it
announced two
> wrong lines in the new kernel "config" file:
> After correcting them and building the kernel again,
now everything is
> back to normal.
> Thanks again
> Francisco
> --
> "If you have an apple and I have an apple and we
exchange apples then
> you and I will still each have one apple. But if you
have an idea and
> I have one idea and we exchange these ideas, then each
of us will have
> two ideas." - George Bernard Shaw
Do you use oldconfig or build each one from scratch? I use
oldconfig so
that I at least have what I know works. It's just a matter of
if I need
anything new enabled. Some claim oldconfig shouldn't be used
but I have
only had it to fail once in the last 10 years or so. Most
everyone I
know of uses oldconfig.
Glad you got it going tho.
:-) :-)
I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you
understood or how you interpreted my words!