The output of: sudo emerge -auDv --changed-use --keep-going --with-bdeps=y --changed-deps --backtrack=100 @world is attached. On 05/20/20 21:24, Daniel Frey wrote: > On 5/20/20 12:06 PM, n952162 wrote: >> The command was: >> >> emerge -vu dev-qt/qtgui dev-qt/qtx11extras dev-qt/qtopengl >> dev-qt/qtprintsupport dev-qt/qtwidgets dev-qt/qtxml >> dev-qt/linguist-tools dev-qt/qtnetwork dev-qt/qtsvg dev-qt/qtcore >> >> The output to that is attached. >> >> I tried just emerging zlib with the static-libs USE flag ... that log is >> also attached. >> >> On 05/20/20 18:59, Ashley Dixon wrote: >>> On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 02:35:52PM +0200, n952162 wrote: >>>> I have a slot conflict for sys-libs/zlib, whereby both users want >>>> the same package.  Studying the USE variables shows that the new >>>> package wants, additionally, the "static-libs" USE flag. >>>> >>>> I thought, the way to handle this is to add the static-libs USE >>>> variable in /etc/portage/package.use and re-emerge with >>>> --changed-use.  Unfortunately, that gives me the same conflict. >>> Can you attach the full output of emerge ? >>> >> > > This is most likely due to so many packages that need to be upgraded > at the same time. You're only asking to update a few select packages > and it's borking because it's finding packages outside your request > that also need to be updated at the same time. > > Have you tried an `emerge -avuD world` to see if portage can backtrack > far enough to sort dependencies out? > > Dan >