Hello friends, I'm in need of good advice. I have 3 computers running gentoo and want to utilise all of them for distcc compiling - the emerging computer would be everytime different. Two machines are amd64 and one is x86 and this appears to be problem. According to http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/cross-compiling-distcc.xml I need to edit some symlinks and if I'm going to emerge on either amd64 or X86. The problem is that wrapper script which calls c++ gcc g++ with architecture prefix. Is there a workaroud so that I do not need to change those symliks everytime Im going to emerge on different arch? Thanks for reply in advance S -- Samuraiii e-mail: samurai.no.dojo@gmail.com GnuPG key ID: 0x80C752EA (obtainable on http://pgp.mit.edu) Full copy of public timestamp block signatures id-14953 (from 2012-06-03 12:00:06) is included in header of html.