Hello :) I have an ext4-filesystem that contains /usr/src, the /usr/portage and /var/cache/edb. It previously also contained /var/db/pkg, but I had to move that some weeks ago, because the fs was "full". Now it's "full" again, though it has free blocks. But no inodes are left: $ fsck -vf /dev/sda5 [..] 655360 inodes used (100.00%) [..] $ find /gentoo -xdev | wc -l 655338 That's really disappointing. I was using reiser3fs and XFS before, and they didn't have that kind of limitation... Uhm... not meant as a rant - I like ext4 - that's why I'm moving (almost?) everything to it... Is there any way to raise the number of inodes without using $ mkfs.ext4 -N BIGNUM Thank you, Daniel -- PGP key @ http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de/pks/lookup?search=0xBB9D4887&op=get # gpg --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net 0xBB9D4887