Am 08.11.2011 02:48, schrieb Érico Porto: > When I was installing my system I typed the date and hour wrong , and > didn't noticed, and as far my computer knows, today is tomorrow, two > hours wrong... > > I thought it was ok to change later, but actually, I can't. If I type > the date command to change time, it changes ok, but when I boot, my > system forgets it, and it's tomorrow again.. I've tried some ideas from > the web, but nothing worked.. > > Is this a known bug? > > Érico V. Porto Edit /etc/conf.d/hwclock and set clock_systohc="YES". Make sure hwclock is in runlevel boot. If you have an internet connection during boot-up, you should also emerge net-misc/ntp and add ntp-client and ntpd to runlevel default. Hope this helps, Florian Philipp