Am 27.09.2011 20:24, schrieb > Hi, > > ist there a tool, which displays the dependencies of loaded modules as > a tree like pstree does for tasks? > > Thank you very much for any help in advance! :) > > Best regards > mcc > > > Well, it's not a tool and it cannot print to terminal but you might want to try out the bash skript below. It depends on media-gfx/graphviz to create a postscript file visualizing the dependencies. The file will be opened by your default postscript viewer (evince, okular, etc.). Hope this helps, Florian Philipp psFile=$(tempfile lsmod | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1,$4}' | tr ' ,' ' ' | ( echo 'digraph modules { rankdir=LR; ' while read line; do dependencies=( $line ) dependingOn="${dependencies[0]}" unset dependencies[0] for dependant in "${dependencies[@]}"; do echo "\"$dependant\" -> \"$dependingOn\";" done done echo '}' ) | dot -Tps > "$psFile" xdg-open "$psFile" unlink "$psFile"