Hello, On 04/09/11 01:29, Michael Orlitzky wrote: > RDEPEND=">=app-text/mupdf-0.8" Oh sorry, I have forgotten to tell that I am using the girara branch, which uses plugins and depends only on girara libs, it should be fixed to have that, but I did not bother to do it previously as I had all the dependencies tracked by hand. I have EGIT_BRANCH="girara" in '/etc/portage/env/app-text/zathura'. > > And have you tried using libjpeg instead of the -turbo version? > This is were I was wondering as well, but did not have chance to check it. Also, Arch guys are using the turbo version and I was thinking that it should not be an issue, but I will try and see whether it also does not work with non turbo version. Cheers, Ignas