had the little cassette thing to store my stuff on. I think the OS in
on a ROM which would be hard to get around unless the ROM was changed.
Then it may not really be a Vic-20 anymore. I'm not sure about the
C64 since I got me a 20Mhz oscilloscope to work on TVs and stuff. I
still got the scope tho.
My biggest use for my old Vic-20 was a alarm clock. Worked fine unless
the power went out. Well, that sounds like todays alarm clock. lol
I guess some things never change.
That's really funny, Dale. That brings back memories (and more
than 5K of them!). My dad gave me a VIC-20 when I was in college and I
used it for several years. I wrote lots of BASIC apps to ease all the
ciphering I had to do for enzyme kinetics, chemistry labs and things
like that. I had a cassette tape which was slow but it was a heck of a
lot faster than typing in your program every time!
Bill Longman