On 01/11/2011 03:09 PM, Konstantinos Agouros wrote: > In <1294686017.7979@rumba> elwood@agouros.de (Konstantinos Agouros) writes: > >> Hi, > >> I just upgraded my box to a phenom and an intel quad gbit card. >> The card is a 82575GB. It is recognized (I use xen-sources 2.6.34-r4) and >> also tried the latest driver available at intel (2.4.12). Ifconfig >> show the interfaces mac addresses etc. > >> However I do not get a link. Neither on a switch nor on a laptop >> with gbit interface. > >> I found googling that there seems to be an issue with xen and this card/ >> chip. Anybody knows a way out of it? Especially since the card should have >> some virtualization optimizations? > OK more googling gave me the answer: > > ethtool -K tx off > > Now the question is: > what is the 'gentooest' way to put this into /etc/conf.d/net? > From reading the example file I would guess a preup() function. > > Also: is /etc/conf.d/net the place to put in the bridge definitions for > the xen guests? If yes, how do I get it to create empty bridges for inter- > guest communications? > > Regards, > > Konstantin ----------------- brctl_br0=( "setfd 0" "sethello 0" "stp on" ) config_br0=( "aa.bb.cc.dd netmask dd.ee.ff.gg broadcast hh.ii.jj.kk" ) routes_br0=( "default via ll.mm.nn.oo" ) dns_domain_br0="example.com" dns_servers_br0="pp.qq.rr.ss tt.uu.vv.ww" dns_search_br0="example.com" bridge_add_eth0="br0" config_eth0=( "null" ) brctl_br1=( "setfd 0" "sethello 0" "stp on" ) config_br1=( "null" ) ---------------- This should create two bridges: br0 gets the public IP and the physical interface is connected to it br1 can be used to interconnect two VMs without connection to dom0 and the outside world /etc/conf.d/net is super powerfull, and super bad documented :( Bye, Daniel -- PGP key @ http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de/pks/lookup?search=0xBB9D4887&op=get # gpg --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net 0xBB9D4887