On 10/07/2010 12:59 AM, Adam Carter wrote: > WOW! Those differences are crazy! > > > Please - I know benchmarking takes a lot of time - but could you check > something: the behavior those fs have at what time they flush data from > cache to disk is very different. Have you made sure that you measured > the time it really needs? I mean the difference between: > > $ sync; time cp source dest > and > $ sync; time (cp source dest; sync) > > Only the last measures somewhat correctly. > > > I had noticed that there was, say, 5 seconds of disk activity after the > cp command complete which I assumed was buffers getting flushed, but 5 > seconds didnt seem that significant overall. I will run the tests as you > suggest and post back. Do you think btrfs (with or without compression) > would be faster than reiser? If so I will try that as well. On my system it is twice as fast as reiser3 for _lots_ (200.000) of small files with compression on (didn't test is without compression). I didn't test if with big files. But your results may vary anyway. For example btrfs is very cpu-intensive (even more with compression). If you've got a slow cpu (like in embedded devices), jfs might perform better. BTW: _all_ my partitions are encrypted and on LVM, so your use case is probably very different :) Bye, Daniel -- PGP key @ http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de/pks/lookup?search=0xBB9D4887&op=get # gpg --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net 0xBB9D4887