Hi all. After updating world, xorg-1.5.3-r6 to 1.7.6 among others, I'm now faced with a/m issue. 1. left ctrl key works fine, so does the down arrow key on the numpad. 2. Seems like the "down" key generates a double sequence: both the "down" event and a newline. This doesn't happen in terminal mode, nor in firefox (3.6.3) or amarok, but does occur in konsole, thunderbird-bin, kwrite, oowriter & eclipse-3.5. Attached is xorg log. amit0 ~ # qlist -Iv hal app-misc/hal-info-20090716 sys-apps/hal-0.5.13-r2 I've no idea how to proceed w/this. Any clues would be appreciated. 10x, Amit